Wednesday, August 27, 2008

welcome to the neighborhood

a while back, we received a greeting card/coupon from bobby and steve's auto world.

"welcome to the neighborhood!" it said. "use this coupon for a free meal for two from our grill or a free oil change." this coupon-card was put in the "keep it" mail pile.

the only decision left to make was which to accept from bobby and steve? the meal? the oil change? well, i asked andy if he wanted to check out the grill and the mint condition 57 chevy that adorns the place. andy seemed surprised that i kept this coupon, and not so interested in gas station dining.

i'm pretty sure he would have just put this in the toss-it mail pile.
so, oil change it is.

i pulled up to the bobby and steve's on 58th and nicollet. (not the scary one with the tiny police station inside on washington avenue.)
with no appointment, they pulled my car right inside, and did the oil change for free! $0.00. they did not ask if i wanted the filter or any of those additional things or whatever. they just changed the oil that was it. it was great service.

the visit only got better. while i was buying the mandatory butterfinger candy bar while i waited, a woman dressed in street clothes, with a belt full of deflated balloons, asked me "when was the last time someone gave you flowers?" i hesitated a moment too long (i had more questions for her...) and she pulled a giant balloon-animal style flower from behind her back. the thing was three feet tall.

i looked for someone who looked like they needed a balloon flower on my way out to pass it on to. no one appeared, so i put it in the car with me and drove away, amazed by humanity. it promptly popped, loudly, and scared me to death.


Kristin said...

Good Story.

Vikki said...

I don't think I would eat at a place that does oil changes. The free oil change was a good call.

amy said...

did they have tofu burgers?